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Behavior Problems in a Child

My son, Alex, is a smart, kind, fun-loving seven-year old boy, but my wife and I have been concerned about his development for quite some time. Our worries started when Alex was three years old. He was an active and happy toddler, but we noticed that he would get frustrated and be hard on himself […]

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Example of How Homeopathy Helps ADD, ADHD, etc.

In 1992 a boy I’ll call Ethan came for treatment. He was 14 years old, in 9th grade. His main complaint was allergies, with itchy and watery eyes, runny nose, nasal obstruction, headaches in his forehead, and sneezing fits. His teachers made him bring his own tissues because he went through so many boxes at […]

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Improved Memory and Much More…

Well, nobody really lives completely happily ever after, at least not on this planet at this time in history, but we often see major changes in people’s lives and their health that we’d like to share! We like to share these stories with others for a number of reasons. First, it shows how powerfully homeopathic […]

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